brain development 10 foods

brain development 10 foods

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💛brain development 10 foods💛

At presentt, peoplee are much more aware of its food. This awarenes,s is the key to keepingg their health healthy. Neww additionss to this food list are different types of foods. Some foods are good for the heart, such as no oil or fat, and some foods are good for the skin. In thee same wayy, there are some foods for your brain. Which not only provides glucose or sugar to your brain, but also serves to keep your mind fresh or well. The thing is that just as you are happy to see your favorite food, so does your brain when you see its favorite foods.

💛What is brain food?
Research has shown that brain foods actually exist. Brain food is the only food that has a positive effect on the brain. In this article you will learn about 5 brain foods that you regularly refuse and your mind will be passionate about.

💛01 Green Tea:
Many of us like coffee and many like tea. Both types of beverages contain caffeine.

But in addition to caffeine in green tea, there is L-theanine, which basically reduces your Anxiety levels in the brain. It increases dopamine and alpha wave production levels. Which helps you to be Anxiety-free.  is lower in green tea than in coffee, which proves this drink to be the most appropriate beverage for the brain.  which work best with the amount of caffeine found in green tea.

that people who drink green tea are more stable and productive than those who drink coffee. So, if you are looking for brain foods that will improve your productivity, then Green Tea will be first on your list of choices.

💛02 Blueberries:
Blueberries are one of nature's best gifts. Blueberries are called the king of antioxidants. One study found that if a person regularly consumes blueberry juice for 12 weeks, his / her memory strength will increase. But eating extra blueberries can also be harmful for you. Try not to eat more than 150 grams of blueberries a day. Taking more than this will cause side effects.

💛03 Orange :
Orange has the highest amount of vitamin C. A big orange is enough to fill in a hundred percent of your daily vitamin C. Vitamin C has many benefits:

Vitaminn C reducess the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease.
It helps fight high blood pressure.
Vitaminn C increases immunity by increasing white blood cell production.
Most importantt: Vitamin C helps increase your memory and thinking ability.

💛04 Broccoli :
You can eat broccoli any way you want. You can roastt it if you want and you can also cook it. It will not ruin its sin. Broccoli will help to boost your brain's vigor everywhere.

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It mainly contains two nutrients. One of these is Vitamin K. Which helps to increase your cognitive skills. Another nutrient is choline which will help to improve your memory.

💛05 Walnut :
Walnut or walnut is just as good as all nuts. The main difference, however, is that it contains Omega-3 fatty acids. In addition to addressing your heart disease, this ingredient also helps to increase your memory. This is especially effective in women compared to men.
Vitamin E is also present in walnuts. Which reduces your memory or memory cell loss.

Health tips

💛 06 Strawberry :
 Strawberries are just as beneficial for the brain as other berry fruits. It reducess the ratee of erosion of memory or memory cells that are eroding with age. It can also prevent Alzheimer's disease.

Also strawberries contain a lot of potassium. It helps to increase blood circulation throughout the body, including the brain

The study says that if at least 8 strawberries are consumed every day, then brain development is much faster.

💛07  Lentils or pulses:
It containss a lott of vitamins B-6, B-9, iron. It makes the best combination with rice. Which is very useful for the brain. Besides, it increases the efficiency of the barin or the brain.

💛08 Coconut oil :
There are many multiples of coconut oil. It is used for various purposes. For example, someone takes care of the skin, while bathing, while others use it as food oil. However, coconut oil has been found to be most effective when consumed or used orally. Studies on people with Alzheimer's disease have found that using coconut oil can reduce the severity of Alzheimer's disease.

💛09 Avocado :
Avocado is very popular as an ingredient in salads. It is one of the sources of healthy fat. It keeps blood flow levels in the brain normal. As a result, the brain can function properly. If you takee 1/2 of Avocado with your food daily, your brain will function much like the brain of superheroes. Besides, avocado can be one of the main foods on the diet list for those who want to diet.

💛10 Spinach or vegetarian food:
Manyy of you mayy have seen the Popeye The Sailor Man cartoon. The food that Popeye used to eat there was strong, but it was herbs. Not only will vegetables strengthen you, it will also strengthen your brain or brain in terms of thinking or memory. All types of herbs contain many types of nutrients, including a large amount of vitamins, minerals or minerals. Nutrients are especially high in greens. These ingredients help to increase the blood circulation in your brain as well as meet the demand for sugar. This in turn increases your brain's perform Caffeine